
Letter from Rav Daniel

Dear friends at Bnei Israel Matzah Fund, On behalf of the community of Bat Ayin, I want to extend our heartfelt gratitude for your generous donations of food and financial support for the Passover holiday. Your kindness and care have touched the lives of so many...

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Letter from Moshe Goldsmith

Dear Friends, This week's Torah portion, Parashat Terumah, opens up with the Mitzvah of giving towards the building of the Mishkan. In the second verse opening the parshah it says "… that they bring Me a contribution." Rashi explains "Me" as - "to My name". Rashi...

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Letter from Zvi Moshe Triger

Letter from Zvi Moshe Triger

Shalom from Israel, We, the families of Yishuv Metzad in Gush Etzion since 1984 with about 150 families today are sitting on the Judian Hills 1,000 m high over looking the Dead Sea. The yishuv started with young families from the diaspora that came to live in israel...

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Letter from Rabbi Daniel Kohn

Letter from Rabbi Daniel Kohn

Dear Alan and donors to the Bnai Israel Matzoh Fund, I am writing to express my profound appreciation for the generous help to my community. You have been a consistent support for us over many, many years. When Pesach comes, the large families in our community who...

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Letter from Rabbi Moshe Goldsmith

Letter from Rabbi Moshe Goldsmith

Dearest friends, I hope this letter finds you in great spirits. The Bnei Israel Matzo Fund, an incredible initiative that has positively impacted countless families in communities throughout Judea and Samaria for over two and a half decades helping to provide for the...

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Letter from Rabbi Eliezer Waldman ZTL

Letter from Rabbi Eliezer Waldman ZTL

Dear Friends, To all those who have joined in the Mitzvah of helping their fellow man. Please accept my sincerest thanks for your tireless efforts on behalf of so many needy families in Israel, who are always foremost in your thoughts and deeds. Every year countless...

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