Since October 7th this has been a very difficult time for all of us living in Israel.
There is tremendous stress every day. We wake up every morning reading about those who were killed or injured. Baruch Hashem Jews from all over the world have been there for us. You have opened your hearts and your pockets and have helped in many ways. Now here comes Pesach. Thanks to you last year was our best year ever. We were able to get more place and familes with more items than ever.
This year we have a much greater battle. The war has left many families with hardships. Husbands and sons are away at war. There are casualties, businesses are very slow because of the war. Inflation is very high. Here comes Pesach. We will need to help these families. We have done it for almost 30 years: We can’t stop now.
We have been contacted by even more families than usual who are in serious need. They come from yeshuvim such as Hebron, Kiryat Arba, Maaleh Amos, Bat Ayin, Metzad, Maale Chaver, Shilo, Elon, Moreh, Homesh, Chavat Gilad, Ytzhar, Eli, Tapuach, Itamar, Maale Levana, Karmei Tzur and other remote places in Israel.
While most people do not know where these places are, we have that knowledge and the ability to deliver to every one of these places. Last year we distributed matzoh, wine, grape juice, chicken, olive oil, potatoes, tuna and fruit to most of these families. For many of these families, it made Pesach possible. This year we hope to once again distribute meat. We also send a check or food vouchers to every family; this year, we are adding new food items to help these families with their Yom Tov needs.
Every penny you give is spent on the purchase and distribution of their pay needs, with no overhead whatsoever .
We are in the midst of ordering wine meat and chicken. We must raise almost $400,000 to cover these cost. In the past years you have been quite generous with your contributions. This year you have to dig deeper. These families have the highest percentage of soldiers in the country.
Some prices have really gone crazy. Olive oil is up 100%. Chicken is almost up 20%. Others are up more than ever.
Once again, we need your help. We really value your contribution.
Please use the enclosed envelope to send in your check today.
If you would like to view what we actually do, visit our website at
Thank you for your help. Best wishes for you and your family for a Chag Kahser Vsamech!
Tizke LeMitzvot,
Alan Hirsch
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